Discovering the different types of high school students

School is definitely a great place to do some people watching. There are many different types of people you come across when walking down the hall or sitting in class. While all students are unique and cannot truly fit in one category, here are the most common types of people in high school. 

The nervous freshie

You think you get first day of school jitters? You must have not seen the nervous freshman walking through the halls. This is the one with the matching backpack and lunchbox and a different color binder for every class. He or she can be spotted frantically running through the halls trying to get to his or class to study for a test that is two weeks away. 

The multi-tasker

The multi-tasker students are the ones that amaze everyone. They play multiple sports, are in many clubs, and somehow manage to get straight A’s in all their AP and dual-enrollment classes. No one understands how they are able to go to their sports practice, finish all their homework, and still have time to hang out with friends, but they find a way. Let’s face it, people wish they could be like the multi-tasker.

The overachiever

This person only has a few things on their mind: school, college, and their futures. They will load their schedules up with the hardest classes for all four years of high school striving to get into their number one schools. They finish all their homework every single night and you might even catch them on the weekends doing nothing but homework and studying. They want to be valedictorians and overall, just want to be the smartest in the room.   

The jock

This is the one that everyone knows well. The jock is the one who spends more time at the gym than they do anywhere else. They go to the gym before and after school. If they’re not at the gym, they are practicing for one of the many sports they play. This is the guy that all the girls want, but there is a problem: he doesn’t have time for a girlfriend because he is too busy weightlifting, going to the gym, and playing lots of sports. 

The popular 

She’s captain of the cheerleading squad and everyone’s go-to girl. Girls look up to her and want to be her. Some people think this girl must be really mean, but that’s not always the case. This person can actually be very nice once you get to know her. Much like the jock, a lot of people want to date her. You will see her at every school event or sporting event and trust me, you will know she’s there because everyone is trying to hang out with her.

The ‘I don’t care’ 

This is the one that comes to school because they have to; however, they still are absent a lot. They might be caught sleeping in class or forgetting to turn in homework. Maybe they take on this persona because they’re stressed and don’t get enough sleep, or perhaps high school just isn’t their thing. They could actually be fun and lively outside of the classroom setting. You never know.

Whatever category you are in or wish to be in, you should embrace it. If everyone was all the same, where would be the “spice” of life? Take the time to get to know all the types of high school students. You never know what you can learn from meeting people different than you.