Transferring to Tunstall

New kids on the block

Junior Savannah Scearce poses with a sign in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

Junior Emma Littlefield poses at the “Welcome to Sweet Home Alabama” sign.

When I first moved to Danville in seventh grade I was not sure what to make of the city. I moved from Lufkin, Texas, which has a population of 36,000 people.The move was not difficult because of the population; it was tough because I had known so much about Lufkin and the people. While Danville has a larger population, Lufkin had much more to do and see. The football stadium could serve as a college football field, the middle school easily held 2,000 students, and the city of Houston was not far. 

When I moved to Danville, it was hard to adjust to the different lifestyle. Danville is a lot more country and old fashioned than Lufkin, Texas. My first day at Tunstall Middle School was a little difficult; but as the weeks progressed I became comfortable with people and started to make friends. This was a big help to settling in to Danville because my friends helped me get to know the city. 

Moving makes it hard for students because they have to make new friends and learn new styles of living. Jenna Drew is a junior at THS, she has lived in Oklahoma, New Mexico, and now, Virginia. Jenna moved to Danville because her father works with a contracting company for the hospital. 

She was also shocked when she moved to Virginia because of the weather differences, “It never rained in New Mexico like it does here; this is crazy.” Drew continued, “There are also no trees in New Mexico, while there are trees everywhere here.” 

Junior Micah Ritter moved to Danville after living in Oklahoma, Alabama, and Tennessee. She has lived in many different states because her father’s job transfers her to a new location every few years. Ritter has enjoyed every state she has lived in because the people she has lived with, “People have always been friendly everywhere that I have lived,” Ritter said. 

Sophomore Chaz Nickens is originally from Savannah, Georgia. Savannah has a population of 146,000 people. This is obviously a huge contrast from the small 40,000 person population of Danville. Chaz moved to Virginia shortly after birth and has lived in Danville ever since. Nickens believes that Savannah and Danville are similar in one aspect, “Danville and Savannah are similar because they both have parts of the town that are quiet,” Nickens said. 

These students have unique lives that have allowed them to see and live in many different states and cities. Not many people can say that they have even left Danville for a vacation. When you see these students in the halls, you might be inclined to ask about the different places they have lived in. Don’t be shy because you may learn something new about them and the places they have lived.