Golf returns after the one year anniversary of quarantine

After the fall golf season was rescheduled, the players are now back on the course. The golf team competed on March 1, 2021, making this their first game of the season. They competed at Greens Folly Golf Course against Halifax County.

The team practiced to get back into their routine for their first game of the season.

“We practice at Tuscarora and we do all types of drills on our short game such as chipping and putting,” coach Austin Reynolds said.

In their first match, Senior Karington Brooks led the Trojans with a score of 90 and freshman Patrick Snow followed with a 96. The Trojans rounded out with scores from senior Elliot Jones with a 100, freshman Jackson Jones with a 106, and freshman Cole Abercrombie with a 108.

To prepare for the tournaments, the team “goes out on the course and plays nine holes to simulate match experience,” coach Reynolds said.

Since golf is an outdoor sport, students were allowed to practice even during a pandemic and quarantine. During meets students are able to maintain social distancing requirements. The outside area lets students spread throughout, so there is less of a risk for spreading the Coronavirus.

“Each person has their own set of clubs and balls, etc. Also, it very easy to spread out on the course,” junior Mallory Woodall said. 

After golf being rescheduled for the spring, students are excited to get back into their normal routines. “It gives me hope that we are working towards a new state of normalcy,” Woodall said.

After their first tournament, the Tunstall High School golf team then went on to play at the Danville Golf Club against George Washington High School.

In first place Patrick Snow came in with a win for the Tunstall team scoring an 84 while Karington Brooks scored a 95. The rest of the scores were as follows: Elliot Jones a 113, Mallory Woodall with a 115, Cole Abercrombie with a 121, and lastly Jackson Jones with a 122.

The Tunstall High School golf team will play next at Olde Mill Golf Club against Patrick County.