Senior Evan Lewis is a student at THS who is known for his overall kindness and friendliness. He is especially known for holding the door for everyone after school each day. Lewis says there is no reason in particular that he does this everyday; he just wants to spread kindness.

Lewis is a member of Timberlake Baptist Church where he helps with different ministries and committees. One of the ministries he is a part of is the sign language ministry. The sign language ministry has dramas or plays in which he plays Jesus. Lewis is also a part of the leadership crew and the youth choir. He also assists with Instagram lives, the video camera, and announcements.

Lewis is also a member of many clubs at THS including, FCA and SCA. FCA is the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. He is involved in the prayer ministry of FCA. SCA is the student council, this is a club where students help with different things going on at school such as spirit week and homecoming. He attends this club to have a leadership role at THS.
Lewis is on both the football and track team at THS. He is a lineman for the football team and plays both offensive and defensive line. His job is to tackle and guard in order to help the Trojans score or to prevent the opposing team from scoring. Lewis is a thrower for the track team and throws discus and shotput. Throwing requires strength to throw weighted discs a further distance than competing teams. His favorite part of being on the sports teams is connecting with his teammates and getting to know them.
As a result of his kindness, Lewis has many friends at Tunstall. “He is very kind, very funny, and very original. He’s a follower of Christ and is always the life of the party,” senior Jackson Snow said.
Lewis is not ready to graduate yet and isn’t sure what he plans on doing, but we know he will do amazing things and continue to spread kindness and positivity when he leaves Tunstall.