Twins have a special bond that normal siblings will never quite understand. Most people wish they could have a twin because of the close relationship and the feeling of being understood. Yet, just like with everything, there are downsides to being one as well. There are a few sets at Tunstall that have different views on being a twin.
Cole and Riley Clements are seniors at THS. Riley is older than Cole by two minutes. They mentioned that a benefit of being a twin was being able to use each other’s things. They also answered

the same about the downsides of being a twin: they don’t like sharing things. The question that annoys Riley the most is getting asked who has the nicer truck. A plus to being a twin is having the same classes together. “It’s weird, we could be in the same class and be away from each other, and we would still get the same grade,” Cole said. Cole and Riley would both recommend being a twin.
Patrick and Jackson Snow are also seniors at THS. The Snow twins are very different from one another, both going as far to say they never get mixed up. “The best part is having someone to talk to and having things in common,” Patrick said. Jackson enjoys being able to have someone he relates to. Jackson is older than Patrick by one minute. The Snow twins said they hate the question of who is older because people always tend to think that Patrick is.
Jordan and Jasmine Waller are the last set of twins in the senior class at THS. Jordan is older than Jasmine by two minutes. “I love having a twin because I’m able to have someone to relate to and share clothes with,”Jasmine said.
“The one thing I don’t like is probably the arguments,” Jordan said. The Waller twins both referenced that people mix them up daily, but they’re used to it by now.
“The teachers tend to get us confused a lot even though we look nothing alike,”Jasmine said.

Sadie and Nash Glassscock are juniors at THS and are the only set of twins that are a boy and a girl. Sadie is older by four minutes. “The best part about having a twin is you will always have a best friend no matter what since they are the same age as you, and no matter what is going on in your life you always have someone there for you,” Sadie said.
“The most interesting thing is that we have a different bond that most siblings have,” Nash said. Both Glasscock twins would recommend being twins in the long run.
Mackenzie and Natalie Rouse are the last set of twins in the junior class at THS. Natalie is older than Mackenzie by 14 minutes. “Being a twin is so cool

and unique. It’s like seeing the same person and somewhat acting the same,” Mackenzie said. Both stated that arguments are the worst part of being twins.
“Being a twin is the most rewarding thing I could ask for so I would definitely recommend being a twin,” Natalie said.

Amaiya and Ashlynn Price are sophomores at THS. “Amaiya is older than me by four minutes,” Ashlynn said. Being a twin comes with lots of questions.
“I get asked if we get along with other twins a lot,” Amaiya said.
“We used to dress alike all the time when we were younger except her outfit would be pink and mine would be purple,” Ashlynn said.
Harper and Peyton Lovelace are the only set of twins in the freshman class at THS. Harper is older by 10 minutes. “It feels weird having to share a birthday,” Peyton said. Harper mentioned how twins do run in their family. Sometimes twins play the same sports or participate in the same activities, the Lovelace twins are one of those set of twins that do. “It is great having someone to play softball with,” Peyton said.

After receiving the feedback from the twins of Tunstall, we now see some similarities and differences between them. Twins will always have a special bond with one another. Growing up and being able to have someone who is your age and go through all the milestones of life together is truly an incredible experience despite some of the downsides, being a twin is one thing all of these twins are grateful for. Next time you see a set of twins instead of asking who’s older or who is the nicer or meaner twin, ask about their bond as siblings.