THS’ dearly beloved spirit week has come and gone. Spirit week is the week leading to the Friday night homecoming football game. Students take this very seriously, and they always show out for each theme day. This week’s themes were: America Monday, Hollywood versus Dollywood, iconic character Wednesday, soccer mom versus barbeque dad, and Trojan pride.
America Monday:
America Monday is very self-explanatory. Students dress to represent America. Junior Reagan Vickers was one of the student body’s favorite festive students. Her outfit consisted of a red, white, and blue tee shirt, a blue feather boa, an American flag cowboy hat, and matching red and white Nike dunks. Vickers rates spirit week an eleven on a scale from 1-10. “Spirit week is a time where we can all express ourselves,” Vickers said, “it’s very, very fun.” She thinks that the theme was very creative, and it’s easy for people to follow. “You can always just use stuff from the fourth of July,” Vickers explains.
Hollywood versus Dollywood:

Hollywood versus Dollywood is the day where students choose to dress like they were from the country or the city. Senior Evan Lewis chose Hollywood, and went all out. He wore a suit, slicked his hair back, and wore his favorite pair of shades. Since this is his last spirit week, Lewis was ready to show up and have fun. “Now that you mention it, I am sad that this is my last spirit week at Tunstall,” Lewis said. He had big plans for the rest of the theme days, but he chose to keep his ideas a secret. “I want it to be a surprise,” Lewis explained, “I want people to be shocked.”
Iconic character Wednesday:
Everyone has a favorite character from a book or TV show, Trojans were able to dress up as their personal favorite for Wednesday’s theme. Sophomore Bailey Carter chose to dress up as the iconic Barbie. “Barbie is just so fun,” Carter said. Carter wore a pink fluffy sweater, leather pants, a Barbie necklace and earrings, and matching pink, heart-shaped sunglasses. “The theme was fairly easy,” Carter said, “it’s really unique, and I love it.” Carter loved all the theme days, and thought they had improved from past years. She had good ideas for Thursday’s and Friday’s theme days and was extremely excited.
Soccer mom versus barbeque dad:

Thursday every student in THS went all out, there was not one student underdressed. The gist of the theme was to either dress up like a soccer mom, or to dress as a dad that loves to grill. Sophomore Ella Robertson was Thursday’s best dressed. She wore jorts, a button up shirt, an apron, a barbeque hat, and she drew on facial hair. “I chose to go all out today because of my family,” Robertson explained, “this is just how we are.” She dressed subtly the days leading up, but she wanted to really stand out for Thursday’s theme. Robertson was also planning to show out on Friday for Trojan pride.
Trojan pride:
Trojan Pride day is always the Friday of the homecoming game. Every Trojan comes decked out in school spirit. Senior Sophie Wilson had a lot of spirit. She wore overalls that had painted designs, a red shirt, and white converse. “The painted jeans are definitely a staple for Trojan pride day,” Wilson said. The painted jean trend is where students paint fun designs on their jeans, and in our case it was THS colors and sayings. Wilson was also nominated for homecoming court, and would be walking at the game. “I’m actually kind of nervous,” Wilson explains. This is her last spirit week, and it was bittersweet for her. She is ready to move on to bigger things, but she is making the good times last.
Spirit week was a blast, and everyone got a kick out of what people decided to wear. Each day our students came tricked out for the theme of the day. No one disappointed with their costumes. It is definitely safe to say Trojans have spirit.