Once the first of September rolls around, people are eager to go out and start decorating for the holidays. People walk into their favorite decor stores and expect to see Halloween and autumn decorations, but everything is Christmas. Some get offended that the Christmas season has taken over their favorite time of year. Some people decorate for Christmas in the wee months of fall, while others choose to wait until after Thanksgiving.
Junior Destiny Flores knows a thing or two about Christmas decor. “My moms favorite holiday is Christmas, so our house is always decorated the most,” Flores said. Her family starts decking the halls around the middle of November. Every store she finds her festive decor at puts out their Christmas things at the end of Halloween. “I agree with this timing,” Flores explained, “I love Christmas!” Even though Flores loves the December holiday, she thinks other holidays get shadowed by it. “I wouldn’t say Thanksgiving is underrated, but it doesn’t get the attention it deserves,” Flores said. She agrees that it’s a great holiday to see family and eat good food.

Some people are just Christmas people. Sophomore Kaitlyn Gregory is that person. “I decorate a lot for Christmas,” Gregory said, “I like every room in the house to have some holiday spirit in it.” Gregory is strict with her decor organization. She waits until the day after Halloween to put up any decorations, but she doesn’t put up any Christmas trees until after Thanksgiving. “Hobby Lobby has Christmas decor out for what feels like the whole year,” Gregory explained.
When she goes on her Target runs during this time of the year, she doesn’t see anything red and green until the middle of November. “It makes more sense for Hobby Lobby to have Christmas things out earlier because they are a decoration centered store,” Gregory elaborated. She believes the type of store does affect the time of year they put out decorations for any season. Gregory doesn’t think any holiday is overpowered by Christmas, but more people may say it is their favorite holiday. The only holiday she thinks is in Christmas’ shadow is Thanksgiving. “To me Thanksgiving is just a day, and Christmas is a season,” Gregory explained.
In my own opinion, any winter themed decor should be put out the day after Thanksgiving. I agree with the many people that say that Thanksgiving lives in the shadow of Christmas. Halloween is less forgotten about because people get to dress up and eat candy, while Christmas is never forgotten about because of presents and church services. Poor turkey day is thought about as one day to eat food. I decorate my house the day after Thanksgiving and take them down after new years.
The month of December is filled with trees covered with ornaments, garland on mantles, and presents from Santa. Many people fill living rooms and gather together to spend time with each other. While some are overjoyed for this time of year and decorate the first of September, others like to extend the autumn holidays a little longer. This season of family and friends is the greatest time of year, whether you decorate early or not at all.