Instagram and TikTok are both widely known for their trendy videos. There is a lot of debate around Tunstall about whether Instagram reels or TikTok videos are better. We decided to put it to the test to see what the students of Tunstall High School liked more.
I, Summer Flores, think that Instagram reels are better. They have more variety of funny videos compared to TikTok. When taking a break from school or anything else, I want to watch something funny, and Instagram reels always have that. TikTok has a funny video now and then, but they just are not nearly as good as Instagram reels.
I, Kinslee Cassell, believe TikTok is better than Instagram reels. There is a wider selection of videos on TikTok than Instagram because Instagram only has funny videos instead of a variety. Though Instagram Reels are very funny, I prefer TikTok due to the selection of the videos.
Sophomore Parker Cody said Instagram reels are way better than TikTok because they are more interesting and funnier than TikTok. He said that with Instagram, there are more people you know rather than people you’ve never met.
Avery Tucker, a sophomore here at Tunstall High, said she prefers TikTok over Instagram reels. She said, “TikTok because it has Mysterious Girl,” which is Tucker’s absolute favorite TikToker. Tucker said that if she were to watch Instagram reels, she would not be able to watch Mysterious Girl’s “amazing” videos.
Aiden Totten, a sophomore, said he prefers Instagram reels over TikTok. He said he prefers Instagram over TikTok because the videos are much older and funnier. Aiden also said that TikTok doesn’t have anything good.
Sophomore Ethan Harden said he prefers Instagram reels over TikTok. Harden said, “Instagram reels are hilarious and bring humor to my day.” He said that he spends a lot more time on Instagram reels rather than TikTok because of the content on Instagram.
Another sophomore Luke Snow said that he is an Instagram reels fan. Snow said, “It’s aura,” referring to the different videos on Instagram. He said Instagram reels are not only funnier but more enjoyable.
Overall, Instagram reels ended up being more liked than TikTok. The students of Tunstall High School mostly agreed they watched Instagram reels more due to how funny they are.