Humans of Tunstall
In the long, crowded halls, it’s easy to pass by people without thinking anything else about them. But, everybody has a purpose and voice that sets them apart from being just another student. Humans of Tunstall wants to capture that.

Grace Wann
“I have been a dancer at Meredith Gravely School of Dance since I was three years old. I have made so many friends at dance from different schools in the area. My favorite dance class out of my five that I take is lyrical. I love Tunstall because all of my childhood friends go here and the teachers are so kind.”

Hunter Keatts
“I like playing video games and programming and designing websites. I’ve just always been fascinated with computers and technology, so I want to go to VCU and major in software engineering.”

Caitlyn Childress
“Some advice I have for underclassmen would be don’t feel afraid to ask for help. It might seem embarrassing or scary, but in the end, asking for help is going to find the results you’re needing or wanting. Also, don’t be afraid to talk to people and make friends. People are going to either like you or not, and the people that do, are the people that matter.”

Mrs. Watson
"Teaching is not just a career, it is a way of life. When you become a teacher you are not just working a job. We go to social events that are connected to someone we've taught or someone we are teaching. We go to things like art events, plays, dance recitals, music concerts and ball games. They have made an impact on me just like I have tried to make one of them. Because they have made an impact on my ...

Ashton Trammel
“I enjoy being a part of JROTC. I had the opportunity to become the Battalion Commander this year, and I have worked hard for the program. I do it because I enjoy the military and find the experiences fun!”

Linzey Rigsby
“I have loved art ever since I was little. My brother always drew comics when he was in kindergarten and I told myself I wanted to do that too. I love art because it is able to bring out my creativity; however, it can drain me and cause me to get art block. I want to pursue a career in art, but not in the same way I do it now. I hope to pursue a career in photography because right now that's what...

Kayla Hamlett
“I spend my time after school practicing for band. I go home and grab my guitar and play some rock songs on it. Learning new songs is a nice little challenge to push yourself. I sought out to play different instruments because it pushes me and gives me a challenge to work towards.”

Joshua Jeffers
“I started off teaching myself how to play. As a kid, I played on stools and chairs until I got a drum set for myself. I now play [drums] for my church. I spend my time setting up my neat little area and groove to all the songs with my partners.”

Anna Inman
“I decided to cheer because I thought that it looked like fun and my friends were doing it and like to do it because I make new friends and it helps me step out of my comfort zone. I hope that when I go to college that I can continue cheering.”

Evan Bartley
“I think one day I was just like ‘I want to draw,’ so I drew. I prefer digital because it is so easy to undo when you mess up. I like to use Adobe Photoshop and Procreate. I would like to pursue it in the future because it is the only good thing I am good at and there’s nothing else so, like, I might as well make money off of it.”

Chloe Simmons
"I've been wrestling for six years now but this is my first for the Trojans, so far I've won twelve matches. Around three years ago I lost a match and cried, I sat with my coach for fifteen minutes and I realized I wasn't reaching my full potential by only going to practice; I needed to come out on the mat and work harder. I feel God calling me to wrestling, I just feel like it's something I'm meant t...

Denver Dalton
“My passion for theater came from my Nana. She always wanted me to be something big in the world. I think it is because she always thought I was a star. I’ve always loved to be in the spotlight. Theater is my way of expressing myself.”

Abby Lent
“Moving schools has definitely impacted my life in a positive way and it has given me so many good things I didn’t have in my life before. I often miss my old school and the friends I had made over the years, but I have been able to make so many more friends here too. I believe moving was for the best because of all of the great things I have gotten to do so far and all of the amazing people I...

Makenzie Lovelace
“I have been dancing for 11 years. I first started dancing at Meredith Gravely School of Dance when I was four, and I have been there ever since. I take 5 dance classes a week, tap, ballet, contemporary, jazz, and hip hop. I was also a part of the Meredith Gravely Dance Company for two years. It is a big part of my life, and does take up a lot of my time, but it is worth it. I love being at Tunst...

Harley Bowman
“I got into Tae Kwon Do because of my dad. He’s a third degree black belt and he’s been doing it for about 30 years. I have a second degree black belt and I’ve been doing it for about six or seven years and I’ve gotten around 30-40 awards for it. I think my favorite part about everything is sparring, I really like the thrill of the fight.”

Macy Mayberry
“If you ever see me around I'm usually smiling! I'm a senior who has been a cheerleader for almost my whole life. The most important thing to me is to always keep God in the center of my life. I'm obsessed with ice coffee, making TikToks, and the color pink. I love working out and staying active. Lastly, South Carolina is my dream place to live in the near future.”

Christian Taylor
“I bought a $50 keyboard to mess around with but I wasn’t really passionate about playing. I started listening to music much more and came to appreciate older music for what it was. Hearing the different styles and creativity through older rock music made me realize I truly need to try and learn how to play, I think I play really sloppy because I taught myself how to play but I always manage...

Mia Davis
"I am currently the vice president of Deca and FFA, a reporter for Interact, and a member of SCA and FCA. Being a part of multiple clubs at THS has impacted my life in so many ways. They have taught me leadership, time management, and many other amazing things. I now pride myself on always being ready to help someone when they need it. You can learn so many important skills in these extracurricular...

Jaden Shackleford
“What inspired me started when I was taking pictures of my little sister cheerleading and she doesn’t like when people take her picture at certain angles. I wanted to start photography to make people satisfied with themselves. It’s hard to feel beautiful now especially with social media, so it’s nice to have pictures that you like of yourself to boost your confidence. I know that I’m making other ...

Stephenie Gonzales
“One of my biggest passions is to finish school and pursue a career in interior designing or architecture because I want to make sure my mom lives a comfortable life in the future.”

Nathan Messano
“I wanted to look classy, stand out a little bit. I don’t know, just the way people dress now, you know, you can do better. We can learn something from our grandfathers and fathers. I'm not going to wear a three piece suit to school every day, but a sports jacket is classier than a sweatshirt. It helps me to stand out a little bit.”

Human of Tunstall: Devin Walker
“I started drawing when I was young, elementary school really. My Dad is a huge inspiration for me. He is amazing with a pencil, and can do almost anything in the arts. I’ve definitely furthered my drawing skills in the last year. Having an amazing art teacher, here at Tunstall, has definitely helped. I love how Tunstall has been around for so long, and all the history it has and holds. My ...

Gwyneth Bowles
"Moving to Tunstall was weird at first but I got used to it. I haven’t been here long enough to have a full opinion however, I kind of like it here so far. I made friends by simply putting myself into crowds until I made friends."

Khamauri Mays
“I started playing ball when I was around three years old, playing tee ball, I have way too many embarrassing moments to count, like falling over the fence in outfield or tripping running bases. I started playing softball as a kid because I was forced to, but I continue to play now because it’s what makes me happy and keeps me going.”

Morgan Jones
“So personally I like to make Tik Toks because it helps boost my confidence and it’s just really fun to create something even if it’s just a video of me mouthing words. I always used to make them and put them in my drafts because I was insecure about them, but then I realized that it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks because if it’s making me happy that’s all that matters.”...

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Ella Brooks
I am very passionate about fashion and style and clothes! I started doing social media and styling about two years ago and I’ve loved it since! I think it’s just a fun thing to do and it’s very real and lets others experience your life!

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Brett Adams
“Well, my health journey started with feelings of regret once I ate this or ate that. I hated the feeling. My family has been my main source of support and they challenge me along the way and try to find ways I can better myself through either working out or everyday activities. I’ve even gotten to the point where my younger brother works out with me and is happy to be there pushing me while I ...

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Kelly Burton
"Funny story... I said I would never be a teacher. HA! But after a few years of working in a lab after college, I knew I needed to interact with more people and I loved teenagers because they are fun. So, I started taking education classes and the rest is history."

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Holden Cassada
"I wanted to be happy when I looked in the mirror, so I changed my eating habits tremendously, and I cut out all soda, sweets, and dairy. I’ve lost 57 pounds over six months and I sleep better, my joints don't hurt, and I’m more confident. Seeing progress and people complimenting it definitely keeps me motivated.”

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Mr. Scales
“My mom raised 15 living children. Mom and Dad are dead. I am [the] only one with no education, [I] quit in 11th with one year left. I found [out] how to do floors as a skill because I knew I needed a skill to get a job. When people talk about floors my name comes up because I do a good job.”

Meet the Humans of Tunstall: Carly Calloway
"I have only been playing volleyball for three years. I've grown such a love for the sport over these years. I used to be a dancer at Meredith Gravely School of Dance, but I quit two years ago to pursue playing volleyball. Whenever I have spare time on my hands, I love to go outside and play volleyball. I try to practice as much as I can, but often times I have to stay up late at night finishing my h...

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Alani Rajah
“When I was in about fifth grade I didn’t really have any friends so I started drawing as a hobby. It helps me through just about anything. Drawing isn’t the only thing I do, I also paint but I’m not as good at doing that. I would definitely like to make a career out of it but if it doesn’t work out I have backups.”

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Madison Vernon
"Well, I’ve been doing gymnastics for 11 years, and I have been doing competitive gymnastics for 7 years now. I originally went into gymnastics to learn all of the cool “flips,” so in the future I could use them for cheerleading. But it turns out gymnastics is my passion, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world, I would love nothing more than to compete at a college level after graduating high sch...

Meeting Human of Tunstall: Jayaa Crews
"Basketball is more than a sport to me. It’s a way for me to clear my head. I've learned how to trust others, be a good leader, and play well with my team. The sport has taught me that there is always another option, always a different way to get the same result. I’ve been playing basketball for the last 13 years and every time I get out on the court I feel like I learn something new. I get th...

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Jack Donahue
“At a young age my mother would show me a picture of my grandfather next to his plane that he shared with a family friend. That same picture was also in the living room growing up. I would always look at the picture and wonder what it would be like to fly a plane. I did some research about becoming a pilot and one thing lead to another. Now, I'm training to be able to fly planes, one day for a li...

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Caleb Anderson
"I've been lifting for a little over a year now. My biggest influencers are the big strongmen: Brian Shaw, Eddie Hall, Larry Wheels. My friend Myles has been there for me since day one, he is constantly pushing me to be better. The biggest key to constantly gaining mass and strength is eating. You need to eat around 4,000 to 5,000 calories a day. You want to eat all the fattening foods before you ...

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Kalynn VanderHyde
“I have been playing basketball since the first grade. I love playing the sport because it gave me a time and place to go and just take all my emotions from the day and do something productive with them. When I tried out for the team I was unsure if I had made varsity or not but I was hoping I did. When I did make varsity I had a lot of emotions. I was very excited but nervous at the same time.�...

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Rachel Hollis
“I was required to play a sport at Chatham Hall, so I chose swimming. I thought it would be fun, and I wanted to try something new. It’s in winter, so it’s November all the way through states, which is in February. I’ve done the 50-meter free, 400-meter relay, backstroke, 100-meter breaststroke, and freestyle. For the 400-meter free relay, there’s four people, and the first person does 100 m...

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Chloe Adkins
“I started band in 6th grade and joined marching band in 9th grade. You can make some longtime friends, and most people support you. The Seven Deadly sins felt like our best show ever. I like the flute because it sounds so pretty with certain pieces of music.”

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Lucas Hess
“Carol Turney was my coach when I was in youth league. I didn’t score any points the first two seasons, but he still told me I could do it and I did. I started playing basketball when I was around the age of 6 and quit in 7th grade, but started playing again when I moved to Danville in 8th grade. I’ve always enjoyed playing because it’s a great way to hang out with friends and have fun. I us...

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Tim Bray
“Being raised in Boy Scouts, with the boys at the campsite, I always heard the term, ‘leave it better than you found it,’ and it took me a while to understand what that meant. The part I really had to figure out was, the whole concept of ‘leave it better than you found it,’ meant always improve and always move forward, so what I’ve learned is you can get better or you can get worse, bu...

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Angel Gibson
Ever since I was little, I have known my dad to own a Harley. I started working at the Thunder Road Harley Davidson in March of 2017, where I work in the Motorclothes department. Even before I started working there, I loved the style of Harley clothes; and since I have begun working there, I have grown to love them more. I love getting to meet new people from all around the world. We even had people f...

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Kayla James
"Growing up my family always struggled financially, so being able to work hard for my own money is pretty important in my life. I started working at Journeys during the summer going into my junior year, it was my first job and I still love it to this day. I'm graduating early in December and since I will be 18 I will become a third key at Journeys. I get to open or close for the managers sometimes....

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Jeffrey Coates
“I really started solving Rubik’s Cubes around 2 ½ years ago. I was at church one day and a friend of mine brought his Rubik’s Cube, and started bragging about how fast he could solve it, so I wanted to show him up. I started practicing every day, trying to get faster and faster at solving them, so I could beat my friend and my own score. Ever since then I’ve been interested in the algorith...

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Laura Scearce
“I’ve danced my whole life, so I’ve never done a school sport. I wanted to try something fun and different. I also thought it would show more school involvement for college applications. I had told Mrs. Williams and Matherly Eskey that I was thinking about trying out and they really encouraged me to go ahead and do it. I was really nervous the first game, but now I just have excitement. Even th...

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Jackson Kime
"My journey that led me to take APUSH started when I was allowed to take World History 1 in 8th grade. After taking the class and passing it with a very high average, I came to Tunstall and enrolled in World History 2. Taking APUSH with Mr. Touart is definitely a challenge, but I am willing to face that challenge and give it all the effort I can muster. As for my fellow APUSH students, all of whom are...

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Evan Adkins
“I started running my freshman year because I didn’t make the baseball team, so I figured I’d give it a try. After the first couple weeks, I had my mind made, this is what I want to do. My first event was the 800 meter dash, which I thought I had a chance in but I didn’t. I ran cross country the next year, which taught me a lot about running, and I dropped seven minutes off my time from the fi...

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Ca-ron Murphy
“Faced with adversity, a person will respond in one of three ways: cowardice, conformity, or command. Those who cower are silenced and easily dismissed. Those who conform seem to lack morals and are easily manipulated. Those who are always in command are overpowering and perceived as dictatorial. Severity of any faction will lead to chaos, but when there is a balance, prosperity is inevitable.” ...

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Elley Mcguire
“I started working at Bojangles in early June. I like my job, but it does take a lot out of my personal life. A lot of our employees were only there for the summer, so I had to take on more hours and different positions to fill their shoes. My current position is running the register in the drive thru. I usually work anywhere from a 5-9 hour shift, and I generally work 20-30 hours a week. I love...

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Caleb Sutton
“Playing football is a challenge for me, I enjoy tasks that are like that I think it truly brings out the best in people. I look at my situation like I can’t go do anything about it, it’s all in God’s hands and I trust him to lead me in the right path with everything in life. I have a strong passion for football. Football has definitely had a good lasting effect on me so far.”...

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Virginia Jones
“I got my first pony, Sugar, when I was four years old. She bucked me off the first time I rode her, but I got back on and I’m glad I did because I wouldn’t be where I am now. Then, when I was six I got my first show horse, his name is Winnie the Pooh and he’s my favorite horse. Being bucked off a horse makes me work harder because I was determined to work towards my goals. I’m not a Western...

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Coby Dellis
“I started to really love Childish Gambino around the summer of my freshmen year when his album ‘Because the Internet’ came out. Fun Fact, not many people know that the whole album is basically a screen write for a movie, but I did my research. It was supposed to be about a boy who gets depressed because his friends only liked him because of his money. I’ve always loved and supported him though....

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Madilyn Moss
“I think that more than anything, teachers in the lower grade show students how to conduct themselves with other people and handle things independently. It’s more than just the letters, numbers, colors, and how to sit in a seat correctly. I realized I wanted to be a teacher when I had Mrs. Watson’s World History I class in my freshman year, because she showed compassion to students no matter their bac...

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Emily Wallace
“I want to be a teacher, definitely, 100 percent. I really want to be a gym teacher, but you know, whatever happens happens. If I’m not a teacher I definitely want to coach track, cross country. I want to coach any of them but both of them would be great. I don’t know, I just love it so much, I want to help other people love it. What made me want to pick up running? To be honest, when I ran the pa...

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Eli Ashworth
“When I went to a John Mayer concert, I was like ‘I wanna play that. He has really inspired me as an artist. As I began learning, my youth pastor got me into playing the guitar for our church. I have three guitars and I began playing when I was seventeen. Stop This Train, by John Mayer, was the first song I learned how to play on guitar. I began learning how to play other songs written by him, ...

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Luke Vest
“I decided to do track in 9th grade because all of my friends were doing it. That’s what I love about it, you really become more of a family after 4 years. You get to meet a bunch of new people, and it’s a good way to stay in shape and stay healthy. I probably won’t do track as a career, but I might do something running-wise.”

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Ms. Bonnie Brumfield
“I love teaching kids new skills and hope that it will help them to stay active and physical. Something they’ll enjoy. I just love physical activity. Always have, always will. It’s my release. I didn’t really have anywhere to run at home, we lived on a dirt road, but we did have a basketball goal. If I got sad or depressed, I’d play some basketball or go somewhere where I could run.” ...

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Chaz Nickens
“The main reason I started lifeguarding was to help out in my community and learn respect for the people I work with and those around me. Working and earning money has definitely helped me learn to budget myself and how rewarding it is to earn my own money. When I was younger, I practically lived at the old YMCA because my mom wanted to make sure I could swim so she wouldn’t have to worry about ...

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Mrs. Kristen Williams
“The discussions that come from the rehearsal process are wonderful. I could lead, and I could bait all day long, and I could goad your answers, but until you make those connections on your own, until you really see, ‘Oh, is this why, would this work?’, it’s like ‘Yes! Yes, yes, yes!’ That’s what makes a really great performance, is when you get it, as an actor.”...

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Matherly Eskey
“I try to shine God’s light by holding Bible studies for my close friends, so we can get together and grow in Christ, and go on mission trips throughout the United States to help other people. I try my best to let [God] shine through every day at school by being positive. My goal is to make someone smile, so they can see a glimpse of Jesus.”

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Doctor Jessica Jones
“Since I started to work in the county about a decade ago, I’ve had no less than an hour commute to work and an hour back. I do it every day because I love to see students and drive them to success. The big picture of education is what I love and want to help you all as students to achieve. In High School, I wanted to be a doctor but my agriculture teacher told me that I could be a doctor and ag...

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Tanya Jones
It's a conflicting situation, [having two children at different schools] is pretty much like a heart divided. My daughter is a senior this year at George Washington High School. Tunstall is like a family to me and now that my son goes here it really is conflicting. It really is just a heart divided.

Meet Humans of Tunstall: Ayrton Bowen
"I play football and bowling competitively and a bunch of other sports just for fun. Sports to me is like having a second family. It is nice to win, as long as I’m doing it with great friends by my side. I’ve always had a passion for playing and when I get on the field or step onto the lanes, I feel like all my problems disappear. I feel like all that matters is what's happening right now. A sport...
Meet Humans of Tunstall: Joseph Carter
“Since I was little, I’ve always been fascinated with Christmas lights and the way they add life and color to a house. I love the way they bring everything together. After that, I looked more into the world of LED’s. I’m now the one who decorates the outside of the house for the holidays. Sometimes it’s a good thing, and sometimes when it’s 20 degrees, not so much. I don’t have much o...

Sal Costagliola
"Italy is a beautiful country. The people have a fighting spirit. Not a lot of people make it there, but they still enjoy their life even though they have little-to-nothing. I think that's the difference between our cultures. Americans are more materialistic and [Italy] is a lot more family-oriented."

Alexis “Lexi” Toufas
“Last year, I really decided I had to be an author of a book somewhere. Writing is my ultimate jam, but that's a scary thing to do. You're lucky if you're sold at Food Lion, but writing is the only thing that makes sense to me. The best part of my high school experience was writing a satire about how men treat and understand the female menstrual cycle. I also made up a fake gang and write a newsletter...

Reese McQuaid
“I really like the Steelers, and my sweatshirt is super comfortable. An interesting backstory is I actually bought this hoodie back in seventh grade at a Steelers or Penguins game. I can’t remember, but we bought it several sizes too big which is why it still fits me. I took it off at the middle school once and it got stolen. I actually didn’t have it until about halfway into eighth grade. I...

Miranda Cochran
“Being a vegetarian is hard to do, but it is worth it. The rewards are better than the hardships you will go through to get there. I became a vegetarian because of my particular tastes and health benefits. I have found that I do not like meat. Also, I have read many articles on advantages of becoming a vegetarian, and I decided that it would be best for me. None of my other family members are ...

Elizabeth Chandler
“Some people are like 'why would you want to do that?' Well, I wanted to work as a CNA because it’s not just about taking vitals and doing the daily care the patients needs. It’s getting close with them and being there for them in a time where they are vulnerable, so I just love my job. It's definitely not easy, but at the end of the day, it’s worth it.”

Emma Hale
“I have been in robotics since sophomore year. I joined the club because I was really drawn to the fact that it was a club for people like me who are interested in math and science. The main objective of robotics is to inspire students to pursue STEM careers and to inform these students of all the opportunities they have if they get involved with STEM and technology based activities. My biggest su...

Emily Myers
"Growing up around my uncle has mostly inspired my interest in music. He owns a record label, and he played the tambourines, marimbas, and the cello for me when I was a kid. He is such a good person, good listener, and he always makes me playlists on Spotify. My mom also made me listen to Baby Mozart on a VHS tape, so I guess that boosted my interest too. Since third grade, I have taken piano lessons....

Jacob Motley
"I ran my first race, the Bridge to Bridge 5k, in 2015 and after seeing my time, I was like 'maybe I can do this.' Warily, I went to the first practice of the new school year [my sophomore year]. It was hot. I nearly puked. But strangely enough, I wanted to keep doing it."

Mandi Blair
"My biggest support system is most definitely my friends and family because they encourage me to always follow through. Getting over my personal hurdles is obviously the best feeling; I feel accomplished. After playing volleyball for almost seven years now, I clearly have had my ups and downs. When I first started, I could barely hit the ball over the net to save my life. It was pretty rough. But,...

Peyton McBride
"The best part of my day is when I'm at football practice because I can be myself. I get excited when I hit someone really hard or when we win. Back in fourth grade, I was playing defense and I was really mad cause the person in front of me was being mean to me and so I pushed him to the ground and made the tackle. My biggest supporter would be my big brother, Sage. Before every game, he pulls me...

Daniel Shogan
"I had a friend who, when we started hanging out, found a guitar that my dad had and he started playing this song that I knew and I decided I wanted to play. That was when I was 12. When you start playing guitar, your fingers bleed and after doing TCE (Tunstall Concert Ensemble). I could put my hands, my fingers, on a stove and it doesn't hurt. I remember one year we were doing this show that was about...

Jamir Khan
"Well, I struggle to be myself and not stray away from my beliefs and I try to do every thing right by me. I knew a lot of athletes that were amazing at sports, then got in a bad crowd and started doing drugs, and stealing and doing bad things. Trust me- you don't want to be the person that had the opportunity and the gift to do something great in life, then ruin it by falling into the wrong crowd...

Mary-Catherine Jones
"One of my favorite feelings is being on stage and the lights hitting you. You don't have to be yourself. I'm not saying I don't love myself, but when you're on stage, you get to be someone that you never get to be. Of course, there's always drama in theatre. With people saying rude things, I had my doubts, but I then thought about how this is better for me. Theatre gives me this type of hype that...

Ava Wood
"I am passionate about musical theater. I got to see my first Broadway show when I went to New York last year. I am doing my third show with the North Star Theater Project. I have been doing theater since I was in the first grade. The biggest role I've had was Miss Pots in Beauty and the Beast. My biggest supporter would have to be my mom, for sure. She gets me anything I need for theater. When I have a...

Hannah Adams
"My favorite place would have to be my church, the Tabernacle. Ever since I started attending 6 years ago, it's been so joyful and peaceful and I've never been happier. I find my church so special because I was saved there in 2012 and it's so overwhelming to watch all of us connect with God and grow in our walk. My youth pastor, Alan Payne, inspires me also by always challenging me and I'm inspired...

Hannah Hale
"Oh lord, I'm involved in a lot of activities: horseback riding, bowling, running cross country and track, the Church Counsel Conference of Youth Ministry, and yeah that's about it. I've been involved as soon as I could be. I've been riding since I was six, bowling since I could pick up a ball, running since freshman year, and CCYM for two years. Just about every time I run, I've been discouraged,...

Donica Hunt
"I started playing football in 9th grade, but I got hurt so I sat out for two years. I came back my junior year and now I'm finishing my senior year playing. I'm a nose tackle. I take on the center and go where the center goes. I try to make tackles and sack the opponent. I'm trying to go to college to play football. I would love to play on Virginia Tech's or Cincinnati's football team. My favorite...

Najaf Gill
"My family came to America in 1995. It was difficult at first because my dad and my uncles all had to find jobs and none of them could speak English very well. My dad had to get a job as a taxi driver in Queens, NY. I had to be born in Pakistan because my mother didn't have a visa to leave until 2004! After that, we started running Gill's 58 gas station on highway 58. It's amazing to see how far we've...

Taylor Brooks
"I have been in dance for 12 years. I love everything about dance, my teachers and my awesome friends that have been with me since the beginning. Since I have recently been diagnosed with Scoliosis, though, I can only take ballet now. My mom is my biggest supporter because she told me I could do anything I wanted if I tried hard enough. To anyone out there struggling, just have fun because there is...

Brittney Vincent
"I'd have to say my biggest supporter would have to be my step mom. She came into my life at about the seventh grade. She's always been there for me even when she didn't have to be. No matter what I do, even if I mess up, I know I can go talk to her. She will always be there to support me and help me out with any problems I have. The thing that I am most passionate about would have to be music because...

Jonathan Yoder
"My favorite feeling is crazy cause it's fun to be crazy. I just sit in class and I randomly start laughing. I'm not really the class clown, but occasionally I am. Some of my teachers would say I'm really talkative, others will say, 'Oh he doesn't talk much, he's nice and sweet.' In some classes, I just start singing and then just start laughing and making jokes and puns and the whole class is quiet...

Hattie Rieck
"TCE (Tunstall Concert Ensemble) requires long hours of focus even at practices from 9a.m. to 9p.m. We spend almost 40 hours after school every week working our way to WGI (Winter Guard International) Championships in Dayton, Ohio. TCE makes you a better person, as well, and gives you something to be proud of after putting all of that work into a seven minute show. You play for the enjoyment of...

Morgan Hairston
"Just be yourself, and don't let anyone dull your sparkle. I'm passionate about people's feelings, I'm intrigued by emotion. My biggest supporter is most definitely my mom. I play volleyball, and when I had my first game on a team, I really enjoyed it. I was so bad at it, like seriously. They called me Axe Hammer because my spike was so aggressive. When I began playing volleyball, I felt discouraged...

Cameron Shreve
"My religion is so important to me because I was fortunate enough to have a family that wanted me to know about God growing up. However, I chose to live the life of a Christian because I had a feeling of guilt and emptiness in my life. One day,I decided to simply start reading the Bible. As I read, I felt more drawn to it. Through my reading, I felt that what I was doing was right. So after that, I...

Christine Nguyen
"I have a twin sister, Britney, and a little brother, Brian. I am passionate about drawing and playing the piano. Although they aren't something I would pursue, I like them as hobbies. I don't like them to have deadlines because I focus on the little details that I want others to have the opportunity to see and experience. The traditional clothes of my Vietnamese culture somewhat influence my drawings,...

Sydney Liles
"I play softball and I've been playing since I was in the fourth grade. I started playing county softball during fourth grade and I made my first double play when I was in the fifth grade. I just got hit by a pitch and we went back out into the field. I was playing third base. I was really upset because it hurt really bad. They hit the ball and I don't remember catching it. It was just in my glove...

Brandon Warren
"I have been playing the trumpet in band for seven years and four years in the marching band. The first memory I have of band is bringing my trumpet on the first day back in sixth grade, then finding out I didn't need it until the second week. My favorite memory was becoming horn line captain in last year's show, Land of the Free. My biggest supporter through my music career is my grandfather. I mean, ...

Mr. Tittiris
"I lived on the island Cyprus. I moved here in 2004 when I went to college. I went to Bob Jones University in Greenville, South Carolina and then I got my masters at Liberty University. I wanted to be a teacher because when I was senior in high school, I took an advance math class and other students in my class were struggling, so I would help tutor them. They would understand it when I explained...

Sarah Lovern
"I started gymnastics when I was four. My parents put me in gymnastics because I was always flipping and so they thought it would be a good idea. This is my tenth year of gymnastics and my third year on the competition team. My favorite part is probably the feeling of success when I finally achieve a skill I've wanted forever. It is pretty hard maintaining good grades because I am at the gym four days...

Ryan Bartley
"Why does everyone have to be separated? People look down at other people because of their errors or what they do or who they become in the future. If only people knew the struggles of others. I believe that every human being should be treated the same. We may not have the same features or feelings, but in the end, we are the same flesh and blood. So many stand and point out at all the mistakes on...

Nicole Tolley
“I really like reading books. I read A Series of Unfortunate Events when I was in elementary school, but I truly got into reading in 8th grade when I read Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult. After that, I started reading a bunch of other books. My favorite type would be young adult, like real life stuff, but I also like fantasy. When I read a good quote, I take a picture of it on my phone and writ...

Nicholas “Chance” Flood
"Some things that inspire me to be happy are my friends because they help me to put my life in perspective and my family, who never judged me and let me grow up in a supportive environment. It makes me happy looking at my friends who also grew up in houses like I did. Even though I have friends who didn't, it just shows me how grateful I should be every day that I am who I am today.

Joan Wynne Reynolds
"My mom gave me my name and she added an 'E' to the end; everyone else spells it 'Wynn,' but I spell it 'Wynne.' It is from my mom's side of the family and she named me after her sister who died in a car accident. I don't like my name because everyone calls me 'John Wayne.' I do like my name though because it is unique. Let's just clear things up, I'm not Chinese, for those of you who think my name...

Makayla Woods
"When I was homeschooled, I would wake up at 9AM and I would be done working by noon. There was no homework and if I wanted to do something one day, I could just double up on work the next day. We started later in the year than other schools and got out around the beginning of May. I miss being able to do whatever I wanted and being able to wake up whenever, but I like having my friends at school...
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