The State of the Union and you: why it should matter

While many government students were encouraged (or forced) to watch the State of the Union Address Tuesday night, the majority of high school students were not inclined to sit through an hour of political jargon and President Donald Trump’s unique lip movements and hand gestures. There is always a pressure on students to be involved in their government and play the role as an active citizen, yet viewership is often low and many people continue to parrot what they hear at the dinner table or on TV. The act of having to be told why something is important often means it is not a priority.

There are thousands of articles that analyze every nook and cranny of every letter of Trump’s address. Comedians like Stephen Colbert and John Oliver pull apart his message and press back to ultimative statements with humor. These people are trying to show that government and politics are worth more than just being an echo chamber to big statements and can be criticized openly and encourage improvement. The State of the Union is as much a message to Congress as it is a message to inform and sway public opinion. So why should you care?

President Trump’s speech varied between immigration policies, tax cuts, infrastructure necessities, unemployment, the stock market, patriotism, and need for unity. While many teenagers were oblivious to the event, many young Dreamers were actively gathering to tackle his speech head on. High school students make up a vast majority of social media users, and thus, have a massive voice but, are often disregarded as uninformed and unreasonable or are often indifferent to matters as a whole. Taking a stance on what you believe is important personally as it is for being a citizen. Having your own opinion is important. Communication is vital to democracy. The State of the Union allows the audience to hear a direct message from the leader of our country.

This administration has been full of hyperboles, conflict, and tweets. He began his speech with examples of heroic Americans and gave a spin to how they boast his administration into the stratosphere. Recognizing how much political officials can use their voice to smother others in such a short-attention spanned society should inspire a desire to be direct and forthcoming with ideas and research.

America has become so polarized it often feels impossible to reconcile and compromise, and while this speech began with an emphasis on unity, President Trump still left room for jabs at those he did not agree with on many political ideas. This State of the Union address was more of a showcase of all the “great” things he has done rather than how to move forward and how to control the dramatic disputes between parties and average Americans. Polls have found that President Trump has the lowest approval rating of all presidents in this first year.

Selective exposure and selective perception have done their damage. Simply calling facts false and blaming journalists that risk their safety and sanity does not make a person or idea incorrect. While the State of Union address intended to be inspiring and motivational, there was an orange foundation and powder stain streaking it. Every president is going to attempt to pursue and push their own goals, but no one seems to remember the messages a week after they occur. The elected officials continue, but the attention from the public does not. Being engaged, understanding, and informed enough matters. Your voice, your thoughts, your values matter. The government is meant to work for you, not out of your apathy.