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The student news site of Tunstall High School

Trojan Messenger

The student news site of Tunstall High School

Trojan Messenger

The student news site of Tunstall High School

Trojan Messenger

Aubree Moore

Aubree Moore, Reporter

Aubree is a senior at Tunstall High school, but this is her first year on the Trojan Messenger staff. Aubree has been a dancer at Meredith Gravely School of Dance for 15 years. She  is a Varsity cheerleader for both football and basketball. Aubree tends to post her entire life on social media; she enjoys sharing her life with others. Aubree spends most of her time shopping and spending time with her friends. Aubree says that her mood is based on her outfit, if her outfit is bad she is suddenly having the worst day of her life. Aubree also enjoys getting ready, whether it’s for a nice dinner or for absolutely no reason.

All content by Aubree Moore
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